Anyone who wants to do something to help the cause can. There are a mulitude of ways to get involved and to have an impact.

    The situation now facing the Palestinian people is at a critical juncture and the help and support of the international community is vital. Should there be a war inititated by the United States against Iraq, the consequences will be bloody and brutal, not only in Iraq itself but in Palestine. The Israeli government is looking for ways to expel, transfer and cleanse the Palestinians from their land; this war, should it happen, will be their golden opportunity.

    Regardless of faith, nationality or ethnicity, we all have a moral obligation to show that might is not right and freedom and justice is not only for rich, western nations but for all people of the world. Supporting the Palestinians against a racist, power-hungry, land grabbing nation is just the start.

    Nowhere in the world is there a situation like there is here and it is time for people with a conscience and moral fortitude to stand up against the oppressors of freedom and justice, instead of buying into the lies of their state. If we can make a difference here, then perhaps we can make a difference everywhere where there is racism, oppression, subugation and the wanton stifling of the fundamental rights of people.

    Join the fight in whatever way you can. Protest on your streets, write letters to your newspapers, media outlets and politicians. Demand that your voice be heard. Show the powers that be that they cannot act with impunity against those who cannot defend themselves, politically or militarily.

    For those who really want do do something at the grassroots level, I say come. Work here, live here. Be with the people and see the reality. Feel the anger, the fear and the desperation for yourself. So many organizations need and would welcome volunteers right now; check out organizations on the links page, use google to find appropriate institutions to work for or email me

    © Georgina Reeves 2002